近日,威尼斯vip官网欧阳义芳教授和陶小马教授开展了高熵合金的合金设计研究,研究成果以"Mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of AlxCoCuFeMn high-entropy alloys"和"Composition control and heat treatment effect on characteristics of ZrNbTaHfx refractory high entropy alloys"为题分别发表在《Journal of Materials Research and Technology》及《International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials》期刊上。
作为新型金属材料的代表,高熵合金在耐蚀耐磨、力学性能、热稳定性等方面表现优异,具有广阔应用前景。在高熵合金的工程应用中,其微观结构设计、变形机制及力学性能、耐腐蚀性能之间的关联性研究至关重要。课题组研究了AlxCoCuFeMn高熵合金的组织、力学性能及耐蚀性。AlxCoCuFeMn具有典型的枝晶结构,随着Al含量的增加,枝晶区析出FCC1相的部分,FCC2相逐渐发展为BCC&B2相,合金的硬度和抗压屈服强度分别从175 HV、434 MPa单调增加到463 HV、1342 MPa。同时,密度从7.94 g/cm3下降到6.99 g/cm3。5种HEAs中,AlCoCuFeMn的Ecorr和Icorr值分别为−0.342 V和5.53 × 10−6 A cm−2,具有较好的综合耐蚀性。研究结果对设计低成本、高强度、耐腐蚀的HEAs具有指导意义。
难熔高熵合金作为高熵合金在极端高温服役条件下应用的合金分支,由于其有望替代现有的商用高温合金而受到广泛关注。而在难熔高熵合金的研究中,热处理工艺调控及亚稳态相工程的应用有助于其关键性能的优化。课题组研究了退火工艺及β-α相变对ZrNbTaHfx合金组织特征和力学性能的影响。合金具有亚稳双相体心立方(BCC)和六方紧密堆积(HCP)结构。在1773 K退火过程中,元素发生扩散,形成了富zrhf区和富nbta区。热处理使BCC相粗化,HCP相在晶界处积累,使合金的硬度和强度显著提高。退火态Hf0.8合金的强度是铸态的1.9倍,压缩变形能力约为15%。
TEM results of the Al0.5CoCuFeMn alloys. (a) TEM bright-field image, (b–c) for the higher magnification corresponding to the white box in (a), (e–h) the selected area diffraction pattern of corresponding yellow circle region, (i) dark field image, (j–k) for the higher magnification corresponding in (i), (l–m) EDS line scanning results for the red line area. [1]
Nyquist curves of AlxCoCuFeMn HEAs in 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution. [1]
(a), (b), (c): as-cast Hf0.8; (d), (e), (f): the annealed Hf0.8; (a), (d): EBSD Band Contrast map; (b), (e): EBSD IPF maps; (c), (f): EBSD phase map (the BCC phases are colored by red, the HCP phase is colored by yellow). The crystallographic orientations of different grains in (b) and (e) are identified by the color scheme in the IPF triangle (g). [2]
(a), (d) SEM images of the fracture surfaces of the annealed Hf0.8 alloy, (b) is a magnification image of the yellow box in (a), (c) is a magnification image of the blue box in (b), (e) is a magnification image of the red box in (d). [2]